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대학원 세미나

제목 - 설명
  • 11/19(목) 16시 연사: 안지혜(우석대학교 한약학과 교수)

    • 등록일
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일시: 11/19(목) 16시
장소: 온라인 세미나(GotoMeeting)로 진행  (https://app.gotomeeting.com/?meetingId=160555093)
강사: 안지혜(우석대학교 한약학과 교수)
제목: nc886 is induced by TGF-β and suppresses the microRNA pathway in ovarian cancer

Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) signaling and microRNAs (miRNAs) are important gene regulatory components in cancer. Usually in advanced malignant stages, TGF-β signaling is elevated but global miRNA expression is suppressed. Such a gene expression signature is well illustrated in a fibrosis (or mesenchymal) subtype of ovarian cancer (OC) that is of poor prognosis. However, the interplay between the two pathways in the OC subtype has not yet been elucidated. nc886 is a recently identified non-coding RNA implicated in several malignancies. The high expression of nc886 is associated with poor prognosis in 285 OC patients. Herein, we find that in OC nc886 expression is induced by TGF-β and that nc886 binds to Dicer to inhibit miRNA maturation. By preventing the miRNA pathway, nc886 emulates TGF-β in gene expression patterns and potentiates cell adhesion, migration, invasion, and drug resistance. Here we report nc886 to be a molecular link between the TGF-β and miRNA pathways .

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