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대학원 세미나

제목 - 설명
  • 10/31(목) 16:30 김영진 교수(포항공과대학교)

    • 등록일
    • 조회수

* 일시 :  10/31(목)  16:30 –


* 연사 :  김영진 교수(포항공과대학교)


* 장소 :  벤처관 711호


* 제목 : Structure of OAT1 transporter



The SLC transporter family encompasses a diverse range of membrane transporters that play crucial roles in human physiology and disease. We are studying the structures of SLC transporters by using Cryo-EM. OAT1 is mainly expressed in the kidney and brain, and functions as an exchanger that exchanges organic anions from outside the cell and dicarboxylates inside the cell. Because of its unique substrate diversity, OAT1 plays an important role in drug-drug interactions by it, particularly in the elimination of waste products generated from drug metabolism and antibiotics in the kidneys. This function of OAT1 may be associated with drug accumulation in the kidney, and the mechanism through which these drugs exert their effects could be linked to kidney damage. Recently, the structure of rat OAT1 has been elucidated, but the structure of human OAT1 has not been elucidated. Here, we are going to elucidate the inward-facing structure of human OAT1 and discuss their substrate recognition mechanisms.

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