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대학원 세미나

제목 - 설명
  • 10/29(목) 16시 연사: 이승근(서울대 데이터사이언스 대학원 교수)

    • 등록일
    • 조회수
일시: 10/29(목) 16시
장소: 온라인 세미나(GotoMeeting)로 진행  (https://app.gotomeeting.com/?meetingId=160555093)
강사: 이승근(서울대학교 데이터사이언스 대학원 교수)
제목: Scalable and accurate methods for biobank data analysis

Large-scale biobanks have emerged as a powerful resource for complex disease studies and precision health. The genomic information coupled with clinical, behavior and environmental measurements enables to discover novel genetic associations and disease mechanism across the entire phenome. However, the scale and complex structure of biobank data have remained substantial challenges. In this talk, I will introduce our new methods for biobank data analysis. The proposed methods, SAIGE, POLMM and SAIGE-GENE, can analyze 500,000 samples in genome-wide x phenome-wide scale with adjusting for family relatedness and outcome imbalance. I will also present UK-Biobank data analysis results and resources we created.

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