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대학원 세미나

제목 - 설명
  • 10/14(목) 10:00 김정 (UC Berkeley)

    • 등록일
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일시: 10/14(목) 10시
연사: 김정(Jung Kim) (UC Berkeley)  
제목:Tumor-induced disruption of the blood-brain barrier promotes host death

Cancer patients often die from symptoms that manifest at a distance from any tumor. Mechanisms underlying these systemic physiological perturbations, called paraneoplastic syndromes, may benefit from investigation in non-mammalian systems. Using a non-metastatic Drosophila adult model, we find that malignant tumor-produced cytokines drive widespread host activation of JAK-STAT signaling and cause premature lethality. STAT activity is particularly high in cells of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), where it induces aberrant BBB permeability. Remarkably, inhibiting STAT in the BBB not only rescues barrier function but also extends the lifespan of tumor-bearing hosts. We identify BBB damage in other pathological conditions that cause elevated inflammatory signaling, including obesity and infection, where BBB permeability also regulates host survival. IL6-dependent BBB dysfunction is further seen in a mouse tumor model, and it again promotes host morbidity. Therefore, BBB alterations constitute a new and conserved lethal tumor-host interaction that also underlies other physiological morbidities.

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