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대학원 세미나

제목 - 설명
  • 4/13(목) 16:00 최지현(KIST)

    • 등록일
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*일시: 4/13(목) 16:00


*연사: 최지현(KIST)


*장소: 벤처관 711호


*제목: Flexible communication via oscillatory bursts



Brain is a complex dynamical system and the mechanisms underlying rapid communication between distinct regions are still unknown. Here, we propose transient oscillations in beta and gamma bands, called bursts, represent an emergence of communicating circuitry and support flexible information routing between microcircuits in distinct brain regions. The stochastic and transient nature of bursts in vivo, however, is hard to study their roles in cognition and behavior. We, therefore, developed a novel tool, CBRAIN (Collective Brains Research Aided by Illuminating Neural activities) to show the burst activities with LED lights in a naturally behaving mice and to promote a rendering between burst events and behaviors. In a presence of predatory robot, we find that gamma bursts in basolateral amygdala spontaneously arose with an increase of vigilance and beta bursts in medial prefrontal cortex activated more during purposeful behaviors. We further conducted deep learning and nonlinear dynamics analysis and found that the bursts spontaneously arose with consistent timing and frequency in behavior-specific ways. In addition, our simulation of Itzhikewich models of two neuronal assemblies also confirmed that the transient oscillatory bursts can occur in a self-organized way and different neuronal sub-ensembles are recruited for synchronous with the rhythm. All these experimental and theoretical works add up the clues for the importance of oscillatory bursts in effective and flexible communication in brain.

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