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대학원 세미나

제목 - 설명
  • 3/10(목) 16:30 박혜진 (인하대학교 물리학과)

    • 등록일
    • 조회수
일시: 3/10(목) 16:30
연사: 박혜진  (인하대학교 물리학과)(Dept. of Physics, Inha University)
링크:   https://zoom.us/j/89404331682   (암호 96883596) -> 외부인 접속 (출석체크 안됨)
 ** Seminar V 수강하는 대학원생은 반드시 ‘스마트캠퍼스 -> 세미나V -> 강의콘텐츠 -> 화상강의 시작‘으로 접속해야 출석이 인정됩니다.
제목: Artificial selection on microbial collectives
In agriculture, humans select certain crops to maximize yields or to make sweeter fruits. Such artificial selection which is applied to a single individual has been successful. Then, what if we want to artificially select a function that appears through the interaction of several species rather than a single species? This question becomes relevant for microbes because they can perform functions useful for us as a group. Despite its importance, however, artificial group selection is largely unexplored. To uncover essential factors for the successful selection on microbial collectives, I introduced a simple model and analyzed conditions where the selection becomes successful. The results show that the variation of collectives generated from the reproduction step is essential for successful selection. In this seminar, I will talk about the basic idea of artificial selection and discuss how the artificial selection on microbial collectives works.
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