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대학원 세미나

제목 - 설명
  • 9/9(목) 10시 이종봉 (POSTECH)

    • 등록일
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일시: 9/09(목) 10시
연사: 이종봉 (포항공과대학교 물리학과) Jongbong Lee (Dept. of Physics, POSTECH)
제목: How End-Close Tunneling Nanotubes Connect Distant Cells
Tunneling nanotubes (TNT) that connect cells over long distances of up to several cell diameters have been recognized as a new pathway for long-distance communication between cells. However, it is poorly understood how such a fine structure extends and remains robust for several hours. Using super-resolution microscopy, we visualized TNT formation’s spatiotemporal processes, which evolved from fine nanostructures of filopodial bridges (two-filopodia complex: DFB). We found that helical structures of DFB play a vital role in the transition of DFB to a single filopodial bridge (DFB). The end of SFB contacts to the paired cell body via cadherin-cadherin adhesion, which tightly links two cells. Mechanical studies and computer-aided simulations strongly suggest that the transition of DFB into SFB is likely that torsional energy in DFBs accumulated by the helical deformation breaks cadherin-cadherin interactions between two filopodia. We confirmed that cellular components could be transported between cells through the SFB. Our research pinpointed the mechanistic questions in the battle lines of the TNT formation.
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