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대학원 세미나

제목 - 설명
  • 3/17(목) 16:30 박상민 (충남대학교)

    • 등록일
    • 조회수
일시: 3/17(목) 16:30 
연사: 박상민 (충남대학교)
장소: 벤처관 711호
링크:  https://zoom.us/j/87115811508 (암호 38283940) -> 외부인 접속
제목: Data-Driven Drug Discovery by Systems Approach
Over the past two decades, the rapid advances in high-throughput omics techniques have resulted in the accumulation of enormous amounts of biological data. Therefore, it is becoming more important that how to utilize it to efficient drug development. Biological components are interconnected to form complex networks. These networks consist of multiple pathways linked with various feedback and crosstalk structures, which determine phenotype as well as drug response. From this point of view, disease is now understood as network perturbation. Complex diseases such as cancer and Parkinson’s disease are reinterpreted as dysregulated states of networks. Drug responses are also explained by network dynamics. After drug treatment, the changes in feedback actives can counteract drug effects, and drug inhibition of one pathway can lead to unexpected activation of other pathways via crosstalk. To dissect disease mechanisms and develop drugs that control them at network level, systems approach is required that integrates data analysis, mathematical modeling, and simulation studies. This seminar introduces research results of data-driven drug discovery using this systems approach.
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